Sunday 20 November 2011


I feel that I have come up with the best possible outcome for this interior. The red and green scheme complements the surrounding area as well as the pub itself. Coupled with the dark beams and lighter shaded furniture this interior would add to the friendly vibe of this pub. The use of colour to zone the different uses of area works well. Also the variety of seating to accommodate every need the customers may have. Whether it is a quick drink down the local, relax and catch up with friends or neighbors as well as the option for dining. With the addition of extra seating there are lots of possibilities to cater for the customers with in this interior. The only thing i would of done differently was to of for seen for length vectorworks would of taken as this could of shown of the design just that little bit better. It is something I will consider for the next project much earlier on. Overall I have enjoyed this project and am looking forward to showing the landlord and lady my design. Although this project is not theoretically live the landlord and lady have been very helpful with in my project and are intrigued to see what I have come up with, so it will be interesting to gain feedback from them. Which I shall be doing in due course.


Board 1

Board 2
These are the two boards that I will be handing in for the unit and showing the landlord and lady at The Cottage Inn.

Friday 18 November 2011

Colour Visuals

Here are the visuals that will be going onto my boards. They show how the fabrics will work together alongside the fixtures and fittings that make up this design. Also the break down of colour with in each space, highlighting the main and accent colours for each room.
Public Bar - View towards Bar

Public Bar - view towards alcove

Lounge - from bar

Lower Lounge - Towards fire place

Idea for boards

Board 1
This is how i see my first board turning out. As there are 6 samples and a carpet sample it may look a bit cluttered if put altogether. For this reason it might be as well to split them up so there is one floral print, one stripey and one plain down each side. There will be a key next to the floor plan to indicate what each symbol means. I also intend to have a drawing of some sort on this board to tie all the samples together.

Board 1 Drawing area
This is an idea of how to fill the drawing area on board 1. By picking an area of space that sums that particular room up. So the bar stools for the Bar, tub chairs and fireplace for the lounge and dining chairs in the lower lounge. These are the pieces that make each of these rooms. Below are how the drawings for each room will look.
Drawing to sum up Bar area

Sum up Lounge
Sum up Lower Lounge

These drawings would have colour applied and be cropped to fit with in the space left between the samples. Below these drawing there will be a title to say what this project is exactly. For example the name of the pub.

Board 2
The second board will be purely visuals. Probably using the sketches from before with colour applied. I plan on having a drawing for the lounge, another for the lower lounge and two for the public bar. the reason for having two is this is quite can elongated space with different areas that would be hard to show the potential of in one drawing. One should concentrate on the back of the public bar and the other should look more at the bar itself and entrance. As i have split the colours up so it is predominately green in the bar and red in both lounges the visuals will be backed accordingly to tie them together. So the lounges will be backed in red and the bar in green. This will hopefully show the viewer of the board exactly what part is what.



Lower Lounge
Perspectives of how the Lounge and Lower lounge will look. Drawn with fine liners.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Drawings using final floor plan

View from fireplace

View towards alcove
Just a few quick sketches testing the final floor plan in particular the public bar. As this is quite an unusual space I just need to picture it to be assured that it would work well...and i think it does.

Specification and Cost

This post covers the specification for this design and the cost of it. The first group of tables is purely stating what fabrics will be applied to how many of what chair and the cost in doing so. Then the overall specification and final cost of furniture and fittings can be seen.

Table for cost of seating

This is the cost for the items selected only. I did try and find out how much upholstery would cost but being a student I didn't get very far. Some of the chairs come with this service as no added cost. Also finding prices for an electrician to fit the lights and painter and decorator would of been guess work. For this reason I have added a contingency sum of £3000 to cover the upholstery, painting, fitting the lights and carpet bringing the total to a shade under £16,000. I didn't have a budget for this project as it isn't live as such. So I have used the most expensive options in some key areas to create the exact look intended. If this is too pricey for the pub and area itself then cheaper options can be made.

Final Floor Plan

Using the confirmed furniture this is the final layout out for the pub. The Bar area consist of dart area with a fold-able screen to protect other customers. Also a high table around a pillar with three high bar stools. This is a better use of the space and keeps the dart playing and customers to one area that isn't impeding on other people.  Also the bar area has two difficult spaces. The first I have utilized using a table and two stools. This space would be used for customers that are having a quick pint and a natter. The other difficult space with jutting out walls opposite the bar has again been filled to its potential. This bar area has a total of 28 seats with the option to add stools where necessary on busy evening, such as the quiz nights. The lounge area is now a more relaxing space with tub chairs and stools. This area was cluttered with bench seating that was too big for the space. By using this combination of low and tub seating makes the space appear more open.  The final space the lower lounge I have set up as a dining area. This is because the landlord and lady are hoping to serve food in the future. With bench seating and movable tables this means the tables can be but together or spread apart to accommodate the size of groups that come in. There is an area that couldn't be used as seating as it was in the way of the door. This space is now to be used as storage with a screen that matches the one from the dart area. This storage area will hide extra seating with stacked up chairs and stools. With this new floor plan I feel every space has been utilized to its potential.
I plan to break the spaces up by colour as well so there is a subtle divide in the areas. As the lounge is goign to have a relaxing snug feel this should be predominately red. This along with the fire will give the feeling of added warmth. Green will be filted in using upholstery and cushions. The lower lounge will be the same so the two spaces are linked and one is just an extension of the other. the bench seating will be upholstered in red and green again will be bought in through cushions and odd bits of upholstery. As the public bar is more for a quick drink and game of darts this area doesn't require this scheme so it will be turned on its head. Green will be the main colour for this interior and will be upholstered to the bench seating. The bottom of the bench seating will then be painted in the same colour. Red will be the accent and again bought through using fabrics.
There is a lot of artwork and imagery that is around the pub that they would prefer to keep the only thing I am stipulating is that the photographs of the saints team go into the alcove with the stools as it will be more together and make something of the alcove. Having them on the brick wall was too much and looked messy. I am leaving the rest of the artwork up to the clients to make their own stamped on the design itself.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Furniture Confirmed

This is the furniture that will be used in the design. This furniture along with the colour scheme and fabrics should create the exact country pub feel that is intended. 

Lighting Plan

Here is where the light fixtures will be going. The yellow rectangles are the wall light. The yellow squares are the multiple light pendants and the orange circles are the ceiling pendants. With this amount of lighting this interior should light up in the right area to create an intimate and cozy atmosphere.


Lighting for the pub will make a big difference on the atmosphere created with in the space. Making the balance between too much and not enough is key. As this is a little village pub the interior needs to be quite intimate so low level lighting would normally be the answer. However as this pub is full of little alcoves and already has lighting issues this may not be the best thing to do. To find the best solution I am going to look at a range of lights from I found this company in my first year at university and have been using it ever since. They have a huge selection of lighting for reasonable prices (most of the time) and I can nearly always find what it is I am looking for. If i cant then i will look further field.
The first selection of lights is from  he Renoir collection. There is a mix of Wall lighting and Pendant lighting. The pub has a lot of wall lights and these particular lights would add colour to the walls. They have a height of 200mm and a width of 300mm. They would stand 180mm from the wall. I have three reservations. One being that green is very bright and may not fit with in the scheme. The second is the overall height of the matching pendant is 1750mm according to the website and doesn't state if this is changeable. The third is the diameter of the shade is 400mm which would be too imposing on the space it would be added too.
1. Modern Wall Light - REN0761- Juniper £58.50
2. Modern Wall Light - REN0724 -Shamrock £58.50
3. Modern Pendant - REN1024 - Shamrock £129.50
The pub has a total of 17 wall lights so to light the pub using Renoir would cost £994.50, not including pendants. For a little pub this is probably a bit much on lighting, especially lighting that doesn't quite fit the bill.
Swirl and Beluga
The two collections of light here are called Swirl and Beluga. I really like light 1 from the Swirl collection because of its simplistic design. This light is 280mm in height, 230mm wide and has a depth of 70mm. This light isn't very big and wouldn't stand very proud of the wall so is that respect this light would be perfect. The only thing that lets it down is the colour. As the walls where this light would go are going to be cream, apart from the brick wall this light is not going to make much of a statement and will just blend in to the walls. Also the other light in its collection don't complement it very well and are quite old looking.
1. Wall bracket light - SWL0763 - Bronze £81.50
2. Wall bracket light - SWW0763 - Bronze £103.00
3. Three light Ceiling Pendant - SWP0363 - Bronze £185.00
These lights are very expensive at £1940.50 and I will not be using them as they do not fit the scheme.
The second collection Beluga would have the same problem in standing out from its background. It too is a small light with a height of 325mm, width of 260mm and a projection of 130mm. I don't think this style will fit with in the interior it is intended for. This pendant in a different style and would be ideal as it has a max height of 1100mm meaning that the drop of this light can be altered.
4. Wall Up-lighter - 89135 - £23.04
5. Ceiling Pendant - 89133 - £57.60
The Beluga lights are the most cost effective so far and would cost a total of £506.88 for wall and pendants.
Keats and
First light is from the Keats collection. It is a wall light in chrome. Its code is KEA0967/20LE and is £47.52. It is very similar to lights The Cottage Inn already have in their lounge and lower lounge so i will not be using them. The second light would stand to far out from the wall and again wound be used. Neither style would add anything to the scheme.

The lights above are from the Saddler collection. I really like the look of these lights because they are simple but effective. The pendant light has a height of 230mm and a width of 430mm. This light would fit with in the bar area and not encroach on head height. Also with its dome shape it would spread the light over a large space. The matching wall light is 110mm in height, 420mm wide and would project from the wall by 210mm, which is quite a projection. 420mm wide is a problem too as in some areas this would not leave much room either side of it. This light is just too big.  The other side to this collection is tubular lights. Light number 3 has a height of 190mm, a width of 95mm and projection of 175mm. This light isn't to bad in size and could be alternated with light number 4. This light is 230mm in height, 280mm wide and would stand out from the wall by 120mm. This in some area would be a better solution than light number 3. The only problem is the colour of the shade may be a bit light
1. Disk Semi Flush light - SA133 - £130.00
2. Disk Wall Washer - SA123 - £89.50
3. 1 light Wall Bracket - SA413 - £71.50
4. 2 light Wall Bracket - SA423 - £99.50
The pricing this collection is very high. Using two pendants, seven double lighters and ten one lighters it would cost a total of £1671.50, which is ridiculous for lighting in the size of this pub.

 This has got to be my  favourite light sourced so far. I love the intricate pattern, which reminds by of the frangipani windows from the Emporium Hotel Bar that I posted about earlier. The contrast in the antique brown finish and champagne coloured glass mixes old with new. it would imitate the dark wood and the light walls of the design. The natural forms created in this pattern would hopefully fit in nicely with in the scheme proposed for this pub. The first light is a drop down pendant with a maximum height of 1100mm that could be made shorter. This has two options. The first being a 4 light ceiling pendant with a length of 685mm or a 6 light pendant with a length of 1095mm. These light may look good in both bars.  The second is a table lamp. Due tot the nature of a pub I don't think this will be needed as they will be prone to being knocked off tables etc. The 3rd light is a wall washer. This light is 250mm in height, has a width of 180mm and a projection of 75mm. This light is small but big in character. The best thing about it is the projection wouldn't not impede on the seating areas or the dart area. The 4th light is a ceiling pendant. It has a maximum height of 1100mm. The shade itself is 290mm and has a diameter of 110mm. As this is quite a small cylindrical object it should not encroach on head height as long as the drop, shade included could be no more than 400mm. The 5th light might be a better option as a posed to a pendant. This light is almost like  spotlight and could be placed above every table to ensure there are no dark and gloomy areas. This light has a height of 110mm and a diameter of 110mm. I love this collection of light and the diversity of them.
1. 4 light Ceiling Pendant - 89113 - £76.03
2. Table Lamp - 89116 - £31.49
3. Wall Lamp - 89115 - £23.81
4. Ceiling Pendant - 89112 - £36.10
5. Semi Flush Ceiling light - £19.97
Whatever the combination of other lights the wall washer is a definite and will cost £404.77. The multiple light pendants above the bar are a possibility. Having the 4 light in the public bar and 6 light in the lounge bar would cost £179.71. Putting a light above every table using floor plan 2 would cost £219.67. Using ceiling pendants instead of spotlights in each area would cost £180.50, making a saving of £39.17. At the moment the combination of lighting I am leaning towards is wall washers, multiple lights and ceiling pendants at a cost of £764.98. Out of the lights looked at this combination is the second cheapest.

Images and information for this post were sourced form:
Lights for living, 2011 [Online]. Available from:
[Accessed 15th November 2011]

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Darker Shades

 Looking at the qualities of the fabrics I have chosen I was a little worried that they may not be suitable so I ordered the samples here to compare with. They are all from
1. Dorchester - Ruby & Olive
2. Florentine -Garnet & Citrus
3. Duralee 42142 - Radish & Wasabi

Dorchester is 72% Viscose 25% 3%. This fabric is made especially to be used for severe contract use. It has a width fabric width of 140cm and is part of the Regency Velvet collection. My only drawback is that the green in the light changes so much that it looks very different to the other fabrics selected.

Florentine is 43% Viscose, 41% Viscose Rayon and 16% Polyester. The two colours are not suitable for this scheme because the red is really dark and the green is too light. Also the background of this pattern is extremely shiny.

Duralee is 100% cotton as is very thin. The green would be the perfect shade to add tot he interior but because of its flimsy texture it would not last the wear and tear of being in a pub not even as a cushion. It may also be a bit to different from  the floral patterns and wouldn't work as well as a stripe.

From collecting these i think it is clear that the fabrics i have already chosen are the best ones to go with. However because of the qualities of one I will have to make sure that this fabric is not upholstered.

Online Curtain Fabrics [2011] Oranda Designs [Online] Available from:
[Accessed: 8th November 2011]

Monday 7 November 2011


Below are screenshots taken from Vectorworks of me trying to build the pub in 3D. This is as far as I have got using this programme
Floor Plan
View of Back wall and Alcove 1
Views towards Alcove 1
So far  have built the walls of the Public Bar and low stools. I have added the brick wall and carpet to the base layer. Next I built the stools separately and saved them as symbols so I could just drag and duplicate them as much as a I needed. Also i have added the back cushion of the bench seating. To do this has taken a lot of time, effort and shouting at a computer screen. Due to the time left it would not be possible to finish this to a standard that I would be happy with. There is still the bottom of the bench seating, tables, bar stool, dining chairs, artwork, lighting and cushions to make. As well as other little details. I feel it would be more effective to visualize this scheme using the good old traditional pencil and paper. It would be a better use of the time left.

Furniture Plan - Experimenting

This pub is full of awkward spaces so by playing around with layout I hope to find a way that works and shows of the space to its full potential. The key for the floor plans is below so it is celar to see what each symbol with in the floor plans are.

Floor plan 1
This floor plan uses a variety of bench seating, low stools and tub chairs to optimize the space. With in the dart area there are two problems. The first being tub chairs don't really fit and look out of place in an area where people will be up and down to have their go, so there is no time to get comfy. Bar stools may be more suited to this area. The second is a problem that is already existing is the table next the the dart board. Although it is a distance away i don't like that their is no protection from a rogue dart. So maybe the use of a screen would be beneficial. The alcove with the diagonal seating would be too uncomfortable to sit in, even though this does leave for more space between tables. Apart from that the rest of the layout on the public bar seem to appear okay. Next in the lounge area the random tub chair looks odd by itself. If this is going to be a comfort area and a lounge then the bench seating and dining chairs should be swapped for tub chairs to link it together. Th lower lounge flows well. If the pub does eventually offer food this would be the area in which people eating would be taken too so to fill the empty space to give clearance to the men toilet door a duke box with soft music might be a good idea.

Floor Plan 2

This floor plan tests the need for bench seating. There is not a single one in this plan. This would allow for tables and chairs to be moved around whenever necessary. The additon of the screen in the dart area works well and can be folded away when not in use to open up the space. Also the high table added around the wall with three bar stools is a better use of the space. The alcove that once had the diagonal table looks more uniformed with a rectangular infill and low stools. The second alcove and table near the fireplace looks a bit randomly placed with out the bench seating. There is no sense of stability with in these spaces. Also bench seating is a better and easier way of having additional seating. This is because instead of going to get a chair that takes up more room a person can just move up the bench seat to make more room for an additional person to their group. The lounge area looks more like a lounge area now with more tub chairs. The lower lounge doesn't flow properly at all with this layout. Everything looks a bit unorthodox. The tub chairs by the fire does not work at all in an area proposed for dining.

Floor Plan 3
This plan is about finding the right balance between bench seating and moveable seating. The lower lounge has been put back to how it was. The bench seating works best in this situation as tables can be added and taken away to make room for more or less people. The lounge doesn't need any bench seating. The combination of tub chairs and stools works fine. The public bar looks very crowded towards the dart area. The fourth stool at the wall table is too much. Having the additional table along the bar wall means there is no room to get the alcove. This needs to be moved around again to make better use of the space.

At the moment the way I see the layout goes as follows:
Alcove one from Floor Plan 2& 3
Alcove two from Floor Plan 1 & 3
Bar wall from Floor Plan 1
Window seating from Floor Plan 3
Lounge area from Floor Plan 2
The lower lounge from Floor plan 1 & 2
This will be confirmed when the furniture selection is finalized.

The floor plans were drawn at a scale of 1:100 from rough measurements taken of the pub.


Below are some rough sketches of how the furniture may sit but also how the colours may work together with in the room.

Public Bar - Towards window

This first sketch doesn't really work. The table and seating is taking full advantage of that particular space. It doesn't utilize the space that is on offer. Maybe turning the table around and adding a stool at either end may look better. Having full length curtains would add a more homely feel, as well as a couple of cushions on the bench seating. The artwork would bring in the history of the surroundings.

Public Bar - Focusing on Dart Area
This second sketch concentrates on  he bar area with views back into the bar. The alcove is quite an unusual space that is hard to fill. This initial idea works as a little snug area. The darts area also works but the bench seating may be a little close, so it might be an idea to look at a screen of some sort that can be applied when customers are playing darts. The tub chairs I am unsure whether they fit into this part of the scheme correctly. Maybe high or low stools would be more appropriate as the users of them would be up and down to have their go with in the game.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Proposed Scheme

Here is the final scheme. Using the red and green of the surroundings to contrast with the mid toned wood and brick wall. This scheme should hopefully inject a bit of life and style into the pub. Also reflect the landlord and lady's personality. By using 6 fabrics it will me each area can be zoned by a different priority fabric. So for example the bar may be predominantly green and red as a secondary colour. Where as the lounge and lower lounge may be mainly red with green as the secondary colour. By ding this there would be an obvious link between the two but customers would know that they were two different areas. This wold need to be explored further.

Magazine Clipping

Real Homes Magazine, June 2011 - Page 14

This article caught my eye because it promotes the colours I am using. This carpet is from the Quirky Collection at Alternative Flooring, a company that provides a range of different and unique flooring. The linear design called Tess would work with in The Cottage Inn and would add a different dimension to it. It would be a twist on the usual heavily patterned carpet you would normally find in a pub. On further inspection this carpet is quite expensive and would not make the flooring cost effective. Also it doesn’t have commercial qualities and would not last the wear and tear expected in a pub. So unfortunately this carpet does not compete with the samples all ready found.

Bronson, C. June 2001, Real Homes - Inspiration, Style & Expert Advice. Page 14. Worcestershire: Centaur Media Plc.

Monday 31 October 2011


Stools created by me in Vectorworks

When I picked this stool it was my intention to upholster it in different fabrics and dot them around the pub adding different textures and patterns to the room and therefore the design. This experiment was to see what worked best and how the fabrics went together. I really like all 6. I have rendered them in the initial fabrics chosen while I undergo further research on what fabric would be best and most cost effective. Having now seen these stools in 3D and with the fabric I am certain that I have made the right selection of furniture for the additional seating problem.

Friday 28 October 2011


When looking through the Restaurants, Bars and Clubs book it is clear to see that ergonomics is a key factor in the success of an interior as a usable space. Ergonomics is about how we move with in a space and how much of that space we need to do certain things. For example the amount of space needed to walk between two tables or the space needed to sit down and get up again. It is important to the flow and usability of a space.

Images from Pages 80 and 81of Restaurants, Bars and Clubs
The space around tables and chairs are used to move around such objects. As the pub doesn't serve food service space isnt such an issue but there does need to be enough space for customers to get to their seat with out obstacles in their way. Above is a diagram of tables sizes and the amount of chairs they can occupy with in a dinning area or lounge area. So for example a 900mm in diameter should only have 3 or 4 chairs when dinning but can cater for 4 or 5 if in a lounge area. This diagram then goes on to show the space needed using the diagram of the tables before. This shows that the table used in my previous example needs an excess space of 450mm going all the way around it. Meaning from one table to another there should be a gap of 900mm. This is with in a dining situation. I will try to adhere to this as much as possible but in some areas I doubt this will be possible.
Image from Page 83 of Restaurants, bars and Clubs
Not only the gap between each table is important but also the game from the height of the chair to the height of the table. It is no good have a lower table with higher seating as it will be uncomfortable for the customer sat there as there wont be any room to put their legs. The basic guide is that for a table that has a height of 710mm the chair seat should be 430mm and for a table with a height of 760mm a chair of 450mm should accompany it. These are only guidelines to aid.

Images from Pages 297 and 84 of Restaurants, Bars and Clubs
Bar areas also need some consideration as if there too cramped together people can't get to the bar to buy a drink. If they are too short people can't reach the bar and if the foot rail is too low customers can't actually sit at them. The genral rule of thumb is that the difference between a stool height at the height of the bar should be around 300mm so the customer doesn't knock there legs on the overhang of the bar. Generally bar stools are around 750mm in height. Also they should have a footrest to increase the stability of of them The other factor is how close they are placed together the middle of one stool to the middle of another should be no less then 600mm. This allows room to neogotiate them.
Not only is ergonomics important to the space but also requirements as well. So not only how we move around the space but the particular points that interfere with this and the customer's enjoyment
There is an extract with in this book that underlies seating requirements.:
'4.01 Seating Requirements
There are usually significant differences in the arrangement of seating area depending on: 
- Customer profiles - average spend nature of meal, expectation
- Circumstances - leisure dining, basic meal, refreshment
- Table service - self service, waited service, counter seating
- Grouping - table sharing, flexibility in arrangement
- Room characteristics - dimensions, windows, obstructions.'
This extract sums up 5 key factors in what to consider when re-designing this space its full potential.
I will now relate these to the Cottage Inn. Customer profile is very broad as there are a lot of different types that use this pub. There are the older gentlemen, couples and the younger generation. As the pub caters for all different ages this is to be expected. This means the layout need to be diverse. The circumstances are quite basic at this present time. The Cottage offers refreshments and nibbles, so it is more the activities laid on that bring people to this pub. Table service as stated before isn't an issue at the moment but does need to be in the back on my mind when designing the layout. Grouping and table flexibility is a must with in this pub as they offer so many things like darts evening, quiz night and live music the space does need to be changeable in areas as regards to extra seating when needed, The room is a big consideration as particularly in the public bar there are a lot of alcoves and odd shaped spaces so not over crowding these is very important. 

These points will now be applied using the furniture that I have looked at in the shape of some experimental floor plans.


Lawson, F. 1994, Restaurants, Clubs and Bars - Planning, Design and investment for Food Servise Facilities. Oxford: Architectural Press

Thursday 27 October 2011

Furniture Choices

Selecting the right furniture is very important in implementing the proposed schmee. The pieces chosen need to work well in it and add to look. The furniture i will be looking into is high and low stools, tub chairs, dinning chairs and tables. Hopefully by using a mix of high and low level seating will create contrast and individual areas for the customers.


The stools above are from the Clarke collection. Pictured here are the high and low stool from The High stool is £59.00 and the low stool is £53.50. I haven't been able to find the height of the high bar stool but the low bar stool is 440mm. It is width is 360mm as well as its depth. I love these stools and they are a definite must to put into the design. Upholstering them in different fabrics will add pattern and texture to the interior.

Tub Chairs 
To add to the different levels of seating Tub chairs would add a relaxing dimension the the interior. Grouping them together around a low table could create a snug style area. This would be a space to catch up with peers while enjoying a drink.
Images sourced from the internet

1. Jane Armchair.
This chair is from It requires 1.8mof fabric. This chair is very similar in style to the stools. It is 790mm in height, has a width of 500mm, depth of 540mm and a seat height of 395mm. This chair looks really comfortable but would benefit from a cushion in a contrast colour. Whatever tub chair is used in the final design will be upholstered in fabrics selected previously. This chair is very similar in style to the Clarke stool, which they also stock. I did originally enquire about the stool and it came to £96 so I can't see this tub chair being very cost effective.
2. Charlton tub chair.
Sourced from this chair is £230. The fabric requirements for it are 2.6m.It is 760mm in height, 680mm wide, has a depth of 680mm and a seat height of 430mm. This chair is very expensive. I love the curved shape of it. A group of these together in various fabrics would look really good.
3. Cheltenham tub.
This chair is from and would cost £89.99. Its height is 780mm, width is 650mm, depth is 660mm and the seat has a height of 430mm. I really don't like the this chair as it is but that may be due to the fabric choice. The shape isn't too bad but seeing as the stool are definitely a square shape and tub chairs will be put with them in some areas of the pub I think this is too round to fit in with the scheme.
4. Holly sell this chair. Its base price is £18 and the fabric requirements for it are 1.4m. Can't help but think because it is so cheap that the quality of it may not be so good. This chair may be a key piece in the room so spending a bit more money on it might be a better option. It does however match the stool in seat height at 440mm. Having all the seating around the same height is very important so everyone is at the same level and its not like christmas day where everyone is one different chairs and finding it hard to reach the table. The height of this chair is 885mm, width is 540mm and depth is 500mm.

Dining Chairs
The dinign chairs selected need to be complementary to the other chairs around it. This design does not need anything heavy as it will be detrimental to the flow of the interior. Maybe something with a see through back to help light flow through the interior might be a good idea. Below are all sorts of different chairs that may be of use with in this design.
Chairs sourced from
The chairs here are all from The sell a variety of chairs that may be fit with in the pub. I have selected the six that are more appropriate for this design.
1. Alaska.
The measurements for this chair are Height 870mm, Width 470mm, Depth 400mm. Using own fabric the chair would cost £49.00. I like the mix of wood with upholstery, this is a must but the ratio of fabric to wood needs to be investigated to see what is best. This chair would work because it is not to high and is quite light. Wouldn't look heavy with in the interior.
2. Castake .
The measurements for this chair are H 930mm, W 460mm, D 510mm. Using own fabric it would cost £47.00. This chair is quite high and may be hard to get around. It also has a very heavy look to it. It wont be suitable for this interior.
3. Drake.
The measurements for this chair are H 935mm, W 460mm, D 520mm. Using own fabric it costs £61.00. I really don't think this chair will work because it is above 900mm which would be quite imposing to the interior.
4. Memphis Uph.
The measurements for this chair are H 820mm, W 430mm, D 450mm. Using own fabric it would cost £51.00. Although this chair is coming down in height the seat is really heavy and bulky. With the possibility of upholstered stool and bench seating the dining chairs really need to have little upholstery and light on wood. More of a frame and less chunky.
5. Aldesburgh Oak.
The measurements are H 865mm, W 430mm, D 455mm and Seat Height 460mm. Using own fabric £51.00 would be its price. This chair is more what I was thinking of. Light would be able to pass through and customers would be able to see through them to see the rest of the space.
6. Dallas.
The measurements for this chair are H 820mm, W420mm, D 510mm and SH 445mm. The base price for this chair is £29.00. It is very similar to the chair before but with a rounder shape. With a seat height not much above the stool this chair with different polished wood could be a contender.
Chairs sourced from
These chairs are all from This company is for trade only and I have been unable to find the exavct price and only a ball park figure.
1. Carmela
With measurements of H 910mm, W 465mm, D 410mm and SH 485mm this chair is too height in both overall height and seat height. Its fabric requirements are 0.6m. This chair starts from £75.
2. Rose
Measurements for this chair are H 880mm, W 395mm, D 405mm and SH 470mm. The fabric requirement is 0.18m and the chair starts from £80. This chair is too rounded and would be more suited to a bistro.
3. Kentucky
This measurements for this chair are H 820mm, W 510mm, D 550mm and SH 450mm. The fabric requirement is 0.25m. It starts from £85. In a different polished wood this chair is okay in overall height and seat height but the depth might encroach on walkways between other chairs and tables.
4. Nicole 1
The measurements are H 960mm, W 460mm, D 380mm and SH 470mm. It would need 0.95m of fabrics. It starts from £90. I love this chair mainly due to its shape but because of its height it just isn't suitable.
5. Coco 3 -
The measurements are H 850mm, W 430mm, D480mm and SH 450mm. It has a fabric requirement of 0.5m. Start from £110. This chair is about right in seat height and in a different wood would fit betttr with in the scheme however at £110 a chair it could be too expensive.
Collection Sourced from
The chairs above are also from All three chairs have a height of 840mm, a width of 460mm, a depth of 510mm and a seat height of 480mm. Also they are stackable.
1. Laguna Side Chair -  Fabric Requirement 0.65m. Start from £115.
2. Laguna 3 Side Chair - Fabric Requirement 0.35m. Start from £ 120.
3. Laguna 2 Side Chair - Fabric Requirement 0.65m. Start from £125.
The seat height has a difference of 40mm from the stool, which may be big enough to cause a problem, this would need to be looked into. I don't think chair 3 would work with in the interior, i don't like the little holes in the top. It would have to be between 1 and 2. Chair number 2 is more like a typical pub chair that has been updated. My only reservation is cost. I would need about 20 chairs so that would cost between £2300 and £2400 which is a lot money for seating. I need to work out the integral elements of this design and budget accordingly. With out a fixed budget I am trying to get everything as reasonable as possible.

Sourced from
This table comes in sizes of 690x690mm at a cost of £75.00, 760x760mm at £84.00 and 1220x760mm at £89.00. has the same style table in sizes of 685x685mm, 1220x685mm.
It is quite a chunky looking table with thick legs. With the option of bench seating this table just wont be practical in sliding your legs under. It would be very much a case of stepping round and sitting, which is what the pub already has and is a bind to get out of if you have people either side. This just won't work in making the space accessible
Sourced from
The tables above are from The first is a Tulip single pedestal table - 3976. It come with a top size of 610x610mm. The second is a Tulip double pedestal table - 3980. This table has a top size of either 1065x610mm or 1220x610mm. The free corners would make this table easier to maneuver around when used with bench seating. It is also a lot small with widths of 610mm that would leave slightly more room for walkways.

Furniture will be finalized at a later date.


Abbey Furnishings. [No Date] [Online] Available from:
[Accessed: 26th October 2011]
Dining Chairs UK, Contract Furniture Solutions. [No Date] [Online] Ambrow Limited. Avaible from:
[Accessed: 25th October 2011]
Forest Contract Ltd, Uk Furniture Manufacturer. (2011) [Online] Available from:
[Accessed: 26th October 2011]
Hillcross Furniture. (2011) [Online] Hillcross Organization Limited. Available from:
[Accessed: 26th October 2011]
Kbs Contract. (2011) [Online] Available from:
[Accessed: 25th October 2011]
Planit, A World of Contract Furniture.  [No Date] [Online] Planit Furniture Contract Furniture. Available from:
Accessed: 25th October 2011]
Smart Leather, Contract Furniture for Restaurants, Hotels, Pubs and Bars. (2006-2010) [Online] Avaible from:
[Accessed: 25th October 2011]