Monday 24 October 2011

Contemplate Wood flooring

Uk Flooring Direct
The above samples have been sourced from As having carpet and even commercial carpet may not be seen as the best option for a pub because of likely hood of food and drink being spilt i thought it would be a good idea to look into other options such as wood flooring. The samples above are:
1. Galleria Fumed Oak
2. Galleria Fumed Oak - White
3. Florence Smoked Oak

Out of the three the sample i think would work best with in the proposed scheme so far would be sample 3. This is because with the darker grain it would tie in the dark wood beams to the design. Although practically wood would appear the best option due to how easy it is to keep clean there are other factors to consider. Wood automatically can be slippery when wet and cause accidents. Also it may not be as warming as carpet. These samples however would not actually fit in the pub due to the door clearance. Some of the ceilings are also very low and by having a very thick wood flooring would not help this situation. Finally when speaking to the clients as they already have carpet in their pub they are not adverse to sticking with carpet. Due to the factors above and the feel I'm trying to create with in the pub i will be carrying through carpets with in the design.

Uk Flooring Direct. [No Date] [Online] Uk Flooring Direct Ltd. Avaiable from:
[Accessed: 24th October 2011]

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